
Showing posts from April, 2020

Kubernetes 109: Deploy MySQL StatefulSets on Kubernetes

Deploy MySQL StatefulSets on Kubernetes. 1- Create mysql-secret. 2- Create mysql-pvc. 3- Create mysql-statefulsets. 4-  Create mysql-service. 5- Test delete one pod. 1- Create MySQL Secret: 2- Create MySQL Persistent Volume: 3- Create MySQL-StatefulSets: Node: name of pods are name of statefulset following by incremental and record hostname of each pod with static IP in coreDNS. 4-  Create MySQL Service: 5- Test delete one pod: Node: after delete pod mysql-0 , statefulsets created new one , it has  the same name & IP. ================================================================ Good Luck

Kubernetes 108: Deploy MySQL on kubernetes

Deploy MySQL on kubernetes 1- Create mysql-secret. 2- Create mysql-pvc. 3- Create mysql-deployment. 4-  Create mysql-service. 5- Create mysql-client to access mysql server. 1- Create MySQL Secret: 2- Create MySQL Volume Persistent: 3- Create MySQL Deployment: 4- Create MySQL Service: ## Mount path from Host & Image: 5- Create MySQL-Client to access MySQL Server. 6- Test MySQL : 7- Test select from DB by MySQL-Client: 8- Delete Deployment objects by name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Luck

kubernetes 107: Install minikube on windows 10

Install minikube on windows 10 Prerequisite : 1- Install chocolatey package. 2- Install kubectl. 3- Install minikube. 4- Install virtualbox or hyper-v 1- Install chocolatey package: 2- Install kubectl: 3- Install minikube. Using hyper-v: Note : Minikube is name of external network created in hyper-v # minikube status: ================================================================ Good Luck

Kubernetes 106: Deploy Mongo-DB on Kubernetes

Deploy Mongodb on Kubernetes 1- Create deployment for mongo-db. 2- Create service for mongo-db. 3- Create deployment for mongo-express. 4- Create service for mongo-express. 5- Create secret file for store username & password of mongodb. 6-  Create configmap file for store database server. # Create secret file: apiVersion: v1 kind : Secret metadata: name: mongodb-secret type: Opaque data: mongo-root-username: dXNlcm5hbWU= mongo-root-password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=  Note: encode username & Password base on base64: [root@kubemaster ]#    echo  -n   'username'      |      base64 [root@kubemaster ]#   echo    -n   'password'          |       base64 [root@kubemaster  ]# kubectl   apply   -f   mongo-secret.yaml secret/mongodb-secret created [root@kubemaster ]# kubectl get sec...