
Showing posts from 2019

Kubernetes 105: Create microservice by IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services

Create micro service by IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services [root@kube online_banking_ui]# cat Dockerfile FROM mhart/alpine-node:11 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN npm install RUN npm run-script build FROM mhart/alpine-node RUN yarn global add serve WORKDIR /app COPY --from=builder /app/build . CMD ["serve", "-p", "80", "-s", "."] #  Build Images in IBM Cloud Register [root@kube online_banking_ui]# ibmcloud cr build -t . latest: digest: sha256:0740ebd71c52e92550696aefc5741d85414c865df77913543885c98153683907 size: 1367 OK # List images: [root@kube online_banking_ui]# ibmcloud cr images Listing images... Repository Tag Digest Namespace Created Size Security status latest 0740ebd71c52 ahmed-workshop 21 minutes ago 44 MB No Issues OK # Create...

Kubernetes 104: Create a 2-node k3s cluster with k3sup

Create a 2-node k3s cluster with k3sup Kubenetes-Master   = Kubenetes-Worker  = k3sup machine        = !!!  Allow ssh access between k3sup  & two nodes of kubernetes       and between two nodes of kubernetes. !!!  Install K3SUP: [root@devops ~]# curl -sLSf | sh which: no k3sup in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin) x86_64 Downloading package as /tmp/k3sup Download complete. Running as root - Attempting to move k3sup to /usr/local/bin New version of k3sup installed to /usr/local/bin _ _____ | | _|___ / ___ _ _ _ __ | |/ / |_ \/ __| | | | '_ \ | < ___) \__ \ |_| | |_) | |_|\_\____/|___/\__,_| .__/ |_| Version: 0.3.0 Git Commit: 7d954414def98c52ae1f6de08ac5317e4260e673 [root@devops ~]# !!!...

Podman 101: Practical Labs

     What is Podman? Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. Example:  1- Deploy Apache web server on podman:  2- Create volume persistent and join  with podman.  3- Test web server access.  4- Change index.html and reload podman  5- Test changed. 6-  use  podman as system services. [root@podman ~]#   mkdir -p /opt/var/www/html  [root@podman ~]#  cd /opt/var/www/html  [root@podman html]# wget --page-requisites --convert-links  [root@podman html]#  chown 1001 -R /opt/var  [root@podman ~]#    mkdir -p /opt/var/www/html  Create podman with local volume persistent: [root@podman html]#  podman run -d --name myhttpservice -p 8080:8080 -v                            ...

DevNet 106: Network Automation Using Genie/PyATS

                             Network Automation Using Genie/PyATS Create testbed yaml file: devices:     IOSv-L2-1:         type: "IOSv"         os: "ios"         alias: ios-1         tacacs:             login_prompt: 'login:'             password_prompt: 'Password:'             username: admin         passwords:             tacacs: cisco             enable: cisco        ...